Used New Way Garbage Trucks for Sale
Garbage Trucks - Front Loaders
Cummins ISL-G CNG (320HP), Allison 3000RDS_P Auto Transmission, 130,341 Miles, A/C, Inter-Axle Diff-Lockout, 72,000 GVW (20K Fronts, 40K Rears + 13.2k Tag), Hendrickson Haulmaxx Suspension, New Way Mammoth 40 Yard Front Loader Body, 8,000 lbs Arms Lifting Capacity, 12 Seconds Container Dump Cycle, Full Eject, Very Clean & Well-Maintained Ex-City Unit
Garbage Trucks - Automated Side Loaders
Cummins ISL Diesel, Allison 3000RDS_P Auto Transmission, 94,700 Miles, A/C, 60,000 GVW, Diff & Interaxle Locks, Right Side Steer, New Way 29 Yard Automatic Side Load Body, Dump Eject, Very Clean Ex-City Unit
Garbage Trucks - Manual Side Loaders
Ford 6.8L Gas Engine, Auto Transmission, 34,692 Miles, A/C, 19,500 GVW, Right Side Steer, New Way HB600 Side Load Body, Satellite Unit, New Way Mamba, Manual Load, Clean Ex-City Unit
Garbage Trucks - Rear Loaders
Cummins ISL G 8.9L, Allison 3000RDS Auto Trans, 64,491 Miles, A/C, 58,000 GVW (18k Front, 40k Rear), Haulmaxx Suspension, New Way 25 KC Rear Load Body, 25 Yard, Full Eject, Clean Ex-City Unit
Isuzu 5.2L Diesel Engine, Auto Transmission, 120,201 Miles, A/C, 17,950 GVW, Seats 3, New Way 6RL 6 Yard Body, 1 Yard Hopper, Clean Ex-City Unit
6.8L Gas Engine, Auto Transmission, 95,772 Miles, A/C, 17,950 GVW, New Way 8RL Body, 8 Yard Body, 1 Yard Hopper Capacity, 8-10 Second Cycle Time, Cart Tipper, Very Clean & Well-Maintained Ex-Gov't Unit *** 4 Units Available!
4 Units Available! 6.8L Gas Engine, Auto Transmission, 83,534 Miles, A/C, 17,950 GVW, New Way 8RL Body, 8 Yard Body, 1 Yard Hopper Capacity, 8-10 Second Cycle Time, Very Clean & Well-Maintained Ex-Gov't Unit
6.8L Gas Engine, Auto Transmission, 82,791 Miles, A/C, 17,950 GVW, New Way 8RL Body, 8 Yard Body, 1 Yard Hopper Capacity, 8-10 Second Cycle Time, Very Clean & Well-Maintained Ex-Gov't Unit
Used Bodies / Parts - Garbage Bodies
25 Yard Body with 3.55 yd³ Hopper Capacity, Up to 1,200 Pound Per Yard Compaction Rate, 25 to 28 Second Cycle Time, Hydraulic Cylinders, Full Eject, Fits on 148" Cab to Axle, Very Clean Ex-City Unit