Used Utility Vehicles for Sale
Utility Vehicles
2021 Isuzu NPR HD Spray Truck
6.6L Gas Engine, Auto Transmission, 35,684 Miles, A/C, 14,500 lbs GVW, Florida Sprayers 14’ Spray Body, Seats 3, Very Clean Unit, Kappa 55 VA Water Pump, 15 GPM 1- 600 Gallon Fiberglass Main Tank 1- 200 Gallon Drop Tank (150/50 Gallon Split), Jet Agitation in each compartment. 2- 81" x 42" x 25" Fiberglass Storage Boxes (Pump Unit Mounted in Box) 2- 48" x 42" x 25" Fiberglass Storage Boxes 2- Fiberglass Shelves 2- 4322ES Titan Aluminum Frame Hose Reels with Guides 1- 400' 1/2" Ag Spray Hose with Fittings 1- 400' 3/8" Ag Spray Hose with Fittings 1- Set of Super Springs 1- Lawn Wand
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